Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why Extraordinarily Oddly Normal?

I believe in wood fairies. I believe God wants me to search for and find the perfect piece of cheesecake. I believe in the innate goodness of people. I believe that marriage is forever and being married to my best friend is the greatest joy I will know this side of Heaven. I believe being 35 will be the best year of my life, just like 34 was the best prior to that. (Or at least I make myself believe it)  I believe children are a gift from God, but sometimes I want to stick them in a box and wait til Christmas to open it. I believe true friends are few and far between but sooo worth the wait and the hassle of trying to figure out if the hubbies and kids will play well together.  I believe I have nothing profound or new to share, but I want to speak the words out anyway, because I can.  These beliefs sometimes conflict with reality so that's where my extraordinarily oddly normal life comes in.  Is there a perfect piece of cheesecake in the world?  Do sprites and fairies wander the woods when no one is looking?  Can I mold children who love and respect God and others with open abandon but who recognize evil when they see it?  Is it possible for someone with many lessons to learn in Patience 101 to parent beautiful, amazing children without sending them to therapy?  Is it possible for odd people like me to have an exceptional, better than average, normal life?  We'll see.

Most, if not all, of the people reading this know me.  They know I secretly hope the forests are full of small winged beings who have sparkly dust and glittery wings.  They know I am like a dog with a thick slice of bacon when I see something shiny, especially if it comes in a size 7 and fits on my finger.  They know glitter and fudge brownies sing to me.  I know others hear their call but I truly believe they started singing louder when I was born.  I've been told I'm a dreamer, I'm too emotional, I'm overly worried about being perfect, but who isn't?  And if you just raised your hand, please don't tell me because I just might accidentally unfriend you on Facebook.  And yes you would get unfriended and it just might not be an accident.  But like everything else, if I don't know there are weird people out there, they can't hurt me!

So enough about me, the purpose of this blog is to start a baby blog that hopefully grows into an empire of a blog.  I want to share my thoughts, ideas, findings, and creations with the world (place slightly evil laugh here).  Recipes I have forced my family to try, but only if they are good for a laugh or just really good.  Cheesecake will be high on the list of recipes to research!  Homeschooling do's and don'ts, since I am an expert...NOT.  Family fun, traditions, and issues that might be of interest to others.  Products I'm trying, "homesteading" things I'm exploring (that's what Steve calls my homemade laundry soap and dish washing soap), things I'd like other peoples opinions about.  It will be about what it says, life.  I want to write about my life, what works and what doesn't.  Sometimes life is fun and unicorns that crap sunshine and other times life is just sunshine crapping unicorns minus the sunshine and the mythical beings.  But I think it's still pretty awesome that we can share it together and hopefully learn and laugh with one another.  So read my posts if you want to, or leave my posts behind, but if your friends don't read, and if they won't read, than they are no friends of mine!!  Yes, Men At Work just invaded my blog, or at least they tried to and I totally look like a dork.  But seriously, read if you feel like it or don't.  Just don't come looking for props when this thing goes viral.

I am open, as always, to suggestions, help with being a techno-tard, and your thoughts.  But I am totally closed if all you have are grammatical errors you'd like me to fix.  While I believe in mini men and women flitting around in nature, I DO NOT believe that grammar and I will ever be friends.  So comment and suggest away.,:;"'.,,  (that was grammar sass)

On a more sober note, I have a seriously not profound question/thought of the day....Why is it that mom's can't have a bad day?  If we get in a funk, the kids get in a funk, the hubby gets in a funk, and then we are left feeling funky and having to fix everyone else's funk?  I would seriously like to make an official "Mom get to feel funky and no one else does" day.  Just imagine the propaganda, huge posters with mom's across the world sticking their fingers in their ears and making wiggly antlers with their tongues stuck out!  I would fully support any official who made this dream into a reality!!

Feeling liberated and funky!